Experience Map

While Ashley worked at Deloitte Digital, she was the Lead UX Designer on the redesign of the website for The VOID. Using a service design approach, the team spent the first 4 weeks of the project by analyzing every angle of The VOID. Ashley and a team member interviewed existing and potential customers, interviewed and job shadowed in-store employees, and worked closely with The VOID’s Director of Operations, CMOs, and CTO. Out of this Ashley was able to create an experience map/service blueprint that outlined typical tasks a customer and/or employee would go through, what they were thinking, feeling, and doing within each moment. This helped to identify pain points and gaps across technology and various processes.

Roadmap & Backlog

After spending four weeks in a discovery phase to outline everything above, Ashley created a backlog of features and outlined and estimated the next three phases of the project.

Usability Testing

Extensive research and usability testing was done at various VOID locations. We tested prototypes using Adobe XD,, or with working code. Ashley worked closely with the product owner to prioritize the feedback against new features yet to implement. Usability tests were facilitated each phase as well as prior to releasing to the public.